Sunday, 18 March 2012

Wheaten Terrier Development: Aidan - 10 weeks to 14 weeks

Wheaten Terrier Development: Aidan - 10 weeks to 14 weeks: I decided to start this blog because after getting a new puppy, I could not find a growth progress for our little guy. He is a soft coated I...

Wheaten Terrier Development: 15 Weeks Old

Wheaten Terrier Development: 15 Weeks Old: Aidan's 15 weeks old and weighs in at a whopping 17.6 lbs, must be all the treats his dad and his grandparents have been feeding him! A 2.2 ...

Wheaten Terrier Development: 16 Weeks

Wheaten Terrier Development: 16 Weeks: Aidan is now 4 months old and weighs in at a whopping 20.2 lbs, although he seems to just be growing up and not out. This week has seen a re...

16 Weeks

Aidan is now 4 months old and weighs in at a whopping 20.2 lbs, although he seems to just be growing up and not out. This week has seen a real change in him. Firstly his puppy teeth have now become tiny razor blades, shredding people and anything else that comes close to them. His coat is really starting to get the wheaten colour, especially on his back and he is starting to develop his wheaten back leg strength.  He can really balance himself nicely, lord help us when he can reach the counter tops!

We spent a day at Aidan's grandparents house this week where he played with his 'cousins' Sophie, Erin and Charlie. Sophia the old girl really didn't want to have much to do with the rowdy newcomer. But Erin and Charlie, the pugs, were up for the fun and games. It was interesting to see Aidan and Charlie, two alpha males, try and decide who would be the boss, especially when it came down to Erin.

Sunday, 11 March 2012

15 Weeks Old

Aidan's 15 weeks old and weighs in at a whopping 17.6 lbs, must be all the treats his dad and his grandparents have been feeding him! A 2.2 lb gain in a week, but then again he is a growing boy.

His legs are growing and he is getting longer in the body, but really hasn't filled out much. You can see a few blonde (wheaten) coloured hairs starting to come in on his back. Slowly he will turn that colour all over except for his beard. It's going to be interesting to see how it all unfolds.

'Experts' say that you really can't train dogs commands before they are 16 weeks old, but we started at 14 weeks and continue to prove that a young dog can learn just as well. From week 14 to week 15 he has mastered the sit and the shake a paw as well as something we didn't teach him!  Have a watch.

Check back next week to see what is happening with Aidan.

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Aidan - 10 weeks to 14 weeks

I decided to start this blog because after getting a new puppy, I could not find a growth progress for our little guy. He is a soft coated Irish Wheaten Terrier. We got him from a breeder near Drumbo, On. Canada four weeks ago when he was 10 weeks old. His CKC name is Marayne's Aidan from MacFinn, or Aidan for short.  His mother is from Canada and his father is direct from Ireland.

Above is Aidan at 11 weeks, he weighed in at 12.4 lbs. Below is him at 13 weeks weighing 13.6 lbs and 14 weeks at 15.4 lbs.

  At 11 weeks Aidan went for a check up and we found out he had a nasty parasite which they treated with a Sulpha your pets very carefully if they are given this drug. We almost lost our little guy who turned out to have an allergy to it. He became lethargic, wouldn't eat, and couldn't keep his eyes open. These are all signs of a drug reaction. Call your vet immediately and do not give your pet this drug if you see any of these signs....better safe then sorry! Once he was off it for 24 hrs we had a happy lively puppy once again.

Wheaten's are one of the only non shedding purebreds so they are great for families with allergies! They are  energetic little guys who are known for their "Wheaten Greetin'" which is a polite term saying they love to jump!  They do entertain themselves a lot and love to learn. At 14 weeks Aidan is already a good sitter, he can kiss on command and can shake a paw. He loves running in the garden and eating sticks but also has to be watched closely as he wants to dig!

Wheaten Terriers change colour as they become older and nowhere was this documented. So stay tuned. I'm going to try and post Aidan's development weekly so others can see what to expect from this loveable little guy.