At 17 weeks Aidan was 23 lbs and this week he is 24.2 lbs. He continues to grow like a weed. Up again, and not out. He was long legs and a skinny little butt. His colour is still slowly changing and his hair is growing. Most days it looks as if he needs a good brushing but it is done daily and since we started this from day one, he actually enjoys getting it done. His favourite part is having his belly combed which he tries to get me to do first instead of last. We have been extremely lucky with his teething. He continues to chew on his toys and not on any of our stuff! If he's not chewing on a toy he is usually sleeping, not sure if this is normal or not but we are chalking it up to the teething. We bought him a new bed.
But of course he likes our bed better....he seldom gets a chance to get on it, so when he does, he snuggles down into the pillows.
But his favourite spot is under the dining room table, curled up on the table legs.
We've heard that Wheaten's enjoy sleeping under something. Around here its the dining room table, coffee table or desk, he just stretches out and dreams. His legs twitch, his nose and ears wiggles, his tail wags and he even lets out a little woof now and then in his sleep. (although he really isn't much of a barker!)
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