At week 20 Aidan weighed 25.4 lbs and at 21 weeks he is 26.4 lbs. He continues to be a spunky little guy. He loves to run and play and learn new things. At school he learns all his commands and is happy doing them, but when he has to sit quietly while the instructor talks, he'd rather try to leave or play with the other dogs. He is very smart and if he isn't being challenged to do something he wants to play or just do his own thing. We find around the house, he likes to play by himself. He can entertain himself for hours with his toys and really only wants us to play with him after dinner most nights. (I think we've programmed a schedule into him without even trying!)
His coat continues to grow and change colour. Almost all the black markings he had on his back are now gone, being replaced by the wheaten colour. Hopefully he will keep a little of his apricot colouring but at this stage it is looking like that won't happen. He gets a daily combing, if not the hair starts to mat a bit, especially under his chin and on his legs. Since we started this when he was 10 weeks old, he doesn't mind it and in fact runs to our combing area when I tell him its time to make him look pretty....He is a little vain. He comes running when we say "where's that pretty boy?" or "where's our handsome guy".
He enjoys being outside and doesn't mind the rain. We had heard that a lot of Wheaten's don't like the rain, but it doesn't slow him down. We haven't had him swimming yet (still a little too cold around here), but he has no problems walking out into the river to get a drink when we are out for a walk. See how he plays by himself outside.
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